The Right Accessories For The Right Woman

The Right Accessories For The Right Woman

Choosing the right accessories to go with an outfit is probably one of the most important choices you need to make before leaving home, the result of your choice may ruin the great look you had with this new amazing dress, or make you look like a party animal stuck in a business meeting. On the other hand it can create an amazing fashion statement that give you the importance and style that is right for you in any situation.

So, the real tittle should be ”The right Accessories for the right Woman in the right occasion with the right purpose”, but… lets try to put this into little steps. The factors you should consider.


Color - Pick accessories that works well with the colors of your clothing.

You might be tempted to use the same color, blue pants, blue shirt, blue necklace, blue earrings, blue everything, this is a mistake, matching to this extent will look old fashion or just boring. Try trowing in a different and unexpected color into the mix like a big golden necklace showing off your creativity and adding interest to your style.
Pick an accessory that shares the colors of the clothing items you are wearing, try a scarf that has both the pink of your blouse and taupe of your pants, this way it will look like the three were chosen with intent, pulled together and elegant, instead of just thrown together.
If you are wearing a multicoloured outfit, accessories can add interest by bringing out one of colors you are using.

Take look at the blog post by Guadalupe at No Store for further info about colors.


Scale - Pay attention to the size of your various accessories when you decide what to wear.

I know you have a lot of great pieces at home: amazing bracelets, beautiful necklaces, fashionable high heels, but don’t make the mistake of piling on all of them at once. Unless you are a rapper in a music video, try wearing either earrings or a necklace instead of both, and limiting how many rings you wear at once.

Accessories can also be used to balance details on your clothes. If you're wearing blouse with interesting embroidery near the collar, you wouldn't want to wear a big scarf to cover it up. Instead, choose a thin chain that will accent but not hide the details you want to show off.

If you want to show a brand new necklace, don’t wear your bold new belt at the same time.

Don’t forget to consider your body scale when accessorising, If you are thin and petite, don’t go for large and heavy jewellery, it will make you look smaller, if you are tall, big medium-sized accessories will work best for you.


Style - You have your own style use it or change it for the occasion.

If you are going to work, use accessories to create a fun but work-friendly outfit, show your style and personality while still looking professional and tasteful.

Give your normal clothes an extra edge. With the right accessories, you can turn a standard sweater set and slacks ensemble into a classy and elegant look.

Try fitting a bohemian beach look. The place you live might be in the middle of a continent not even close to the sea or ocean, but that doesn’t mean you can’t look like you spent your day at the beach. Go for a free and breezy look with colorful handmade beaded necklaces or earrings, round and stylish sunglasses, rings or bracelets with natural stones or laid back dresses.

Take look at the blog post by Alessia at No Store for further info about Style.


Enhance your own features - Its all about you looking and feeling beautiful.

Choose items that enhance your features. Bring attention to your best points and minimize your worst.

Accessories give you the opportunity to bring out the best in your face and body. Well-chosen accessories can make your eyes look bigger, your neck look slender, or your calves look more defined.

Pick accessories that go with your complexion. Your accessories will look best if they enhance your natural coloring, No matter what your skin tone is, accessories can be a fun way to play with colors you wouldn't normally wear.

By the way… Makeup itself can be your accessory. Just make sure the colors you choose complement the colors in your outfit and help tie your look together.


Written by Ariadne Papadakis - Mykonos, Greece